Please allow me to introduce myself

Why hello there,
You might not know my name but you certainly know my work. I, Mr Bingly, have been working in rabbit related PR and special interests for decades now. Throughout these long, fulfilling years I have worked as an agent, confidant, media manager, personal trainer and many more such varied roles for any number of stars over the years.
From Peter Rabbit to Bugs Bunny and all rabbits in between, I‘m currently winding down a rewarding career. It's been successful in pushing rabbits into positive roles and making sure that we're represented in the best light. It has been a long journey, Aesop and his fables did rabbit a lot of bad PR for rabbits. But if you’re reading this I know that you’re a smart, clued in cookie that understand that rabbits are cute and you’re a genius for looking after them.
Of course, as retirement sets in, the conditions, health and wellbeing of rabbits has become my primary focus. That is why I am so happy to announce my new role as a spokes-rabbit for Nibble and Gnaw. A healthy diet is paramount to the success of any rabbit.
With Nibble and Gnaw I have found a company that I can trust to delivery the best hay in the UK, dust free, long stemmed and delicious. This dedicated team have proven to me that your rabbits long term health is the core foundation of their operation.
That is why I am partnering with them to provide you with all the wisdom of my years. I will be producing content on rabbit health, diet, disease prevention and much more.
With myself and Nibble and Gnaw, you'll get the full experience of a market leading product with advice, knowledge and insights.
I look forward to this new chapter of my life, and I trust that you will to.
Thank you.